The weekly envelope program provides you with an envelope for each week of the year, Holy Days of Obligation and other programs or ministries we support throughout our local and diocesan community. These are number coded to allow us to track your worship location and to record your annual donations for the financial contributions report. We have two programs in use at our church locations; the program you would be offered is dependent on the location where you are registered.
If interested in becomng a weekly contributor using our envelope program, please fill in the registration form by clicking on the link to the left and providing us with the needed information. Be sure to answer YES to the question "Would you like to receive chuch offering envelopes?"
Your envelopes can be placed in the weekly offertory collection at Mass or you can mail them directly to us at the following address:
Parish of the Precious Blood
P.O. Box 625
Caibou, ME 04736