In the Question and Answer page we will make every attempt to answer your question pertaining to Parish Finances and Administration. Below are question that have been submitted by community members. Please scroll down for more questions. If you have a question please click on the email link to your left and send us your question. We will respond as soon as we have the answer. Let us know if you wish not to have your question posted to this page. Thank you and God Bless.
Q: On the monthly activity report under operational expenses there is a charge called Assessment. What exactly is this?
A: Assessment is a percentage of the Parish - Offertory Collections. The current rate is 12.75 % and it is submitted to the Diocese on a quarterly basis. The assessment is used in the following manner, 4.25% for Priest Compensations, 2.00% for Priest Medical, .50% for Priest Pension Trust, and 6.00% is for Diocesan Support Services provided to the Parish.
Q: Doesn't the Church talk about money too much?
A: Individual churches may or may not talk about money too much but the reality is that God's work requires money. In fact, it is a duty of the Church to ask for money, not only for its work but for the work that is done by charitable organizations in the community. The Church sees so much suffering and so many needs to be addressed, and it has a responsibility to help address that suffering and those in need. With the constant rise in operating costs, if we do not ask the church community to address these increases we have less and less to meet the needs of the suffering.