Purpose: To provide effective channels for the transmission of the Good News of Jesus
Christ to the various members of the Catholic Community.
Goal: To extend the best religious program to all members of our faith community.
Teaching the Faith ~ To develop for every age group in the parish a religious education program of high quality that transmits the teachings and customs of the Church.
Teaching the Bible ~ To teach everyone to read the Bible with understanding and fidelity.
Preparation for the Sacraments ~ To have good programs of catechesis for individuals and their families who are about to celebrate the sacraments.
Suggestions: Rel. Ed. Programs from Pre-school-Youth Ministry. Adult education programs; Bible study groups, small faith sharing groups. Pre-Sacramental catechesis for parishioners; RCIA, RCIC. Teacher training for Catechists and opportunities for religious experiences for youth and adults; retreats, pilgrimages, etc.