This page provides you with detailed information about Parish of the Precious Blood Cemetery Activities.
Below you will find a brief description of each of the reports offered.
Cemetery Activities by Location, is a comparison of Income versus Expenses for each cemetery by church community within the Parish.
Statement of Financial Position, is a combination of our Parish Balance sheet showing current Assets and Liabilities, along with a summary of Income and Expense activity for that period by general account category. It also shows a comparison to last years totals for the same acount.
Cemetery Budget Fiscal 2018 is our current operating budget for this fiscal year. Fiscal year being July 1st, 2017 to June 30th, 2018
Annual reports show you income and expense statement activity for that past fiscal year. It also shows the balance sheet results for that fiscal year.
Any questions or inquiries can be made Monday through Thursday during Business hours by calling the rectory office at 207-498-2536 and asking for the accounting office.