Dear Friends,
Our Parish G.I.F.T. Appeal is a call for sustained giving to allow our Parish to “Grow in Faith Together.” Two years ago we initiated this annual campaign as an increased offertory effort and your response was very supportive. This year we continue our initiative as a way to sustain our present efforts and with a vision to our future sustainability.
Lent is traditionally a time to renew and strengthen our faith commitment. Grateful for all that is done for our salvation we seek to express our gratitude for that love and to manifest it in some concrete way. There are many ways of doing this and for all of us this does change with time. We invite parishioners to see the GIFT that has been entrusted to them and let that GIFT. As a Parish we Grow In Faith Together and we Give In Faith Together.
I would invite all parishioners to prayerful evaluate the way they express their faith and review their involvement in the parish. A part of this work means that you will also look at your financial contribution and see if it expresses adequately your faith and your gratitude for the blessings in your life. A generous response of our Time, Talents and Treasure is what gives wings to our faith.
The Finance Council has been very good at informing themselves on the needs of the parish, very concerned about being good stewards of the parish resources and to also be proactive for the future needs of the parish. The focus given to us this year is that of leaving a legacy for our future generations in the parish. Please take time to become familiar with the material and the information on Legacy Sharing and How To Give.
Please pray for the parish and for those who serve and work within our parish. Please take time to reflect on your own involvement and commitment. I pray that all of us begin by being grateful for the blessings that we have and that guided by the Holy Spirit that all of us become more of a blessing for one another and for the important work of the Church entrusted to us.
Help Preserve, Sustain and Grow our Faith.
"Our Parish Stewardship Goal"
“Let us focus on discipleship & evangelization, by returning God’s gifts with increase, through the generous sharing of our faith, time, talent and treasure.”
Stewardship is based on the fact that all that we have and all that we are comes from God. We commit ourselves to stewardship as a way of thanking God for all His blessings; returning to Him a portion of the time, talent, and treasure he has bestowed on us.
You may support our Parish G.I.F.T.Appeal in one of three ways.
1.) Increase your current weekly offerings at the weekend Mass.
2.) Complete the form below and a Parish staff member will contact you to discuss and assist you in processing your pledge offering for this appeal.
3.) If you wish to give immediately go to the Pledge Link tab at the left of this page and set up your recurring or one time donations thorough our on line giving site.